Oral Cancer: What You Need to Know

We know cancer is an uncomfortable subject. However, at North Coast Dental Excellence, we want our patients to have facts rather than fear. Sharing this information on oral cancer is part of our ongoing efforts to equip our patients to be full partners in their healthcare. What Is Oral Cancer? Cancer found in and around the mouth is considered oral... read more »

Are You Suffering From TMJ & Bruxism?

Millions of people around the world suffer from chronic facial pain such as jaw pain, headaches or earaches. The source of these aches may be directly related to the temporomandibular joints / TMJ. These joints work in conjunction with the muscles, ligaments, and bones to assist you in chewing and speaking. When the temporomandibular joints are not in harmony with... read more »

Dental Guards

According to the American Dental Association, mouth guards prevent more than 200,000 oral injuries each year. They are designed to help protect your teeth from the damage that can be caused by sports or grinding and clenching your teeth. However, most people do not wear mouth guards and subject themselves to the possibility of a broken tooth, a knocked out... read more »

Dental X-Rays: Are They Necessary?

A bright, healthy and pain-free smile is always the goal with any dentist appointment. To maintain healthy teeth, your dentist may recommend an x-ray, but many patients have concerns about x-rays and their safety. In the following paragraphs, we're going to break down everything you need to know about dental x-rays before your next appointment. Why Do You Need Dental... read more »

Understanding What Periodontal Therapy Entails

Periodontal Disease is a gum disease that causes inflammation around the gums to set in due to a bacterial infection. If the condition can't get treated, periodontal disease can develop further and become a more severe condition. If not managed, periodontal disease can pull the gums away from the teeth, eat away at the bone, and cause the loss of... read more »

Pediatric Dentistry: Your Guide to Dental Care for Your Child

As your baby grows older, there are so many exciting milestones to treasure with each passing month and year — baby's first step, baby's first words, and baby's first tooth! To make sure your little one establishes a positive, stress-free relationship with the dentist — and avoids cavities — it's important to get them to the dentist as early as possible. Pediatric dentistry... read more »

Identifying Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Smile

You likely learned very young that brushing, flossing, and rinsing are essential for a healthy smile. These rituals that you learned as a child become habits, a normal part of your daily routine. While good habits are easy to identify, it's just as easy to overlook some of the not-so-healthy habits that could damage your teeth and gums. Recognizing and... read more »

Your Guide to the Treatment and Prevention of Bad Breath

If you struggle with bad breath, you know the worry and anxiety that can often arise in situations where you're expected to socialize. While you may brush and floss regularly, there may be other causes of your bad breath that can only be identified and treated by a professional. An important part of finding the solution to any problem is... read more »

Toothbrush Tips for Good Oral Health

Brushing Teeth is Important Besides seeing your dentist regularly, properly brushing your teeth at home is the most important thing you can do for your oral health. Why? Perhaps the most important reason is that poor oral health can lead to many health problems throughout the rest of your body. Fun fact: The toothbrush has been around since ancient times. People... read more »

Recognizing the Signs and Symptoms of a Dental Emergency

Most often, dental visits are planned. We schedule cleanings and make appointments for any work that needs to be done. Sometimes, between dental visits, the unexpected happens, and we find ourselves in a dental crisis. There are many causes of dental pain and injury. Some require emergency care. Untreated dental emergencies can cause significant complications. Recognizing a dental emergency and... read more »