Everything You Need to Know About Tooth Sensitivity

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Many people experience sensitivity to their teeth for a variety of different reasons. No matter what reason your teeth feel sensitive, it’s a rather uncomfortable sensation that often requires dental assistance to sort out the issue. Since your oral health gets linked to the health of the rest of your body, it’s important that you take care of any tooth sensitivity that you may experience immediately to keep your oral health in the best shape possible.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can get caused by a variety of different causes, including the following:

∙ Worn or thinned tooth enamel

∙ Exposed roots

∙ Cavities

∙ Worn or damaged fillings

∙ Chipped or cracked teeth

∙ Certain types of gum disease

The variety of different causes of sensitive teeth often mean that a professional will need to determine the cause of the sensitivity so that they can determine a treatment plan.

How Do I Prevent Sensitivity in My Teeth?

Many people have similar triggers when it comes to sensitivity in their teeth. The following include some of the most common triggers of sensitive teeth and how you can avoid them:

∙ Cold drinks

∙ Cold foods (including ice)

∙ Highly acidic foods

∙ Certain ingredients found in mouthwash

∙ Brushing your teeth

While you clearly can’t avoid brushing your teeth, being sensitive and careful around these areas can help decrease your teeth’s sensitivity when you do come in contact with these irritants.

What At-Home Care Steps Can I Take to Lessen Sensitivity?

If you are looking to lessen tooth sensitivity, the following are some steps that you can take to help your teeth feel less sensitive daily:

∙ Fluoride

∙ Special desensitizing toothpaste designated for people with tooth sensitivity

∙ Limiting hot, cold, and acidic foods

∙ Brushing and flossing teeth more thoroughly

Being gentle, careful, and thorough can help keep your teeth clean so that they become much less sensitive over time.

Professional Care

Professional care is generally required to help those with sensitive teeth, especially if your case of sensitive teeth becomes severe enough; they may need to get brought to the attention of your dentist. The following are some treatments that your dentist may provide to decrease your teeth’s sensitivity:

∙ Prescription-strength toothpaste (if over-the-counter strength isn’t working)

∙ Applying a bonding resin to any exposed roots

∙ Root canals to target problems deep within the teeth

∙ Gum grafts to cover exposed roots

These procedures can help treat the causes of sensitivity and treat any sensitivity you have around your teeth to improve your oral health.


At North Coast Dental Excellence, we offer a wide array of treatments for those who experience tooth sensitivity. For further assistance with your sensitive teeth, please feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment today.