Understanding What Periodontal Therapy Entails

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Periodontal Disease is a gum disease that causes inflammation around the gums to set in due to a bacterial infection. If the condition can’t get treated, periodontal disease can develop further and become a more severe condition. If not managed, periodontal disease can pull the gums away from the teeth, eat away at the bone, and cause the loss of teeth. In the most extreme cases, if left untreated, periodontal disease can also spread through the mouth and to other parts of the body which can lead to more serious issues like diabetes or heart and respiratory disease.

While this all might sound a little bit intimidating, the good news is that periodontal disease is easily avoidable. However, if you do happen to get periodontal disease, there is treatment available to help you get rid of the disease and save your teeth.

What is Periodontal Therapy?

Periodontal therapy is the treatment for periodontal disease. Periodontal therapy entails removing the plaque that has built up around your teeth to remove not only harmful bacteria from your mouth but also to help remove stains and restore your smile. Your dentist will have to do a variety of different things before your periodontal therapy begins, including a thorough examination of your teeth, taking a set of X-Rays, and determining that you indeed do have periodontal disease before he starts treating it.

Once the dentist determines the layout of your mouth and severity of your condition, he will come up with a plan to remove the plaque causing your periodontal disease and move forward providing the needed treatment from there.

Why Will I Need Periodontal Therapy?

Periodontal therapy is needed to remove the harmful bacteria and plaque from the mouth. Not removing this bacteria allows it to penetrate your body and risk further possibly sending bacteria to your bloodstream, which could send infections to the rest of your body. Moreover, this therapy can help restore your smile and allow you to keep your natural teeth rather than needing alternatives such as bridges, implants, or dentures in the future.

What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

Your dentist will begin the appointment by examining your teeth to see the extent of the plaque and calculus buildup that has occurred. Once they determine the size of the work that needs doing, X-rays will be taken to determine if the bacteria has penetrated the teeth themselves and the bones underneath. Once the extent of the infection is known and the dentist takes the X-Rays they will develop a plan for providing periodontal therapy and determine how to move forward.

Then, your dentist will work with each tooth to remove the plaque and calculus buildup around each tooth to help clear the harmful bacteria from the mouth. The periodontal procedure will also help remove stains from the teeth to help restore your smile. The amount of time that it takes to perform this therapy will vary based on the amount of plaque and calculus built up on the teeth and based on how far the gum disease has progressed. For those who wish, the procedure may get divided up into several procedures to help the patient cope with the extensive cleaning that may need to occur.

What is the Cost?

Periodontal therapy will generally cost between $140 and $210 depending on the area and location where you are receiving treatment.


After you have periodontal therapy, you will have numbness from the anesthetic that is likely to last anywhere from two (2) to four (4) hours. You may experience mild discomfort (but not necessarily pain) for several days following your treatment. You will want to rinse your mouth with salt water several times per day after your treatment to keep the area clean and free from infection. Using 1/2 teaspoon stirred into 8 ounces of lukewarm water is a good base for rinsing procedures.

Other ways to help ensure that you heal up quickly after your periodontal treatment includes:

  • Eating soft foods till soreness and muscles aches (from having your mouth opened for long periods) subsidies should help make eating easier in the days following your procedure
  • If you need additional pain relief such as Tylenol or Advil will help provide further pain relief
  • Brush gently and avoid intense scrubbing when your mouth is healing
  • Remember that moderate bleeding from your gums for a few days after a more intense deep-cleaning periodontal therapy is typical and should not give you a reason to worry.

If you aren’t feeling better after several days to a week contact your North Coast Dental Excellence dentist for further assistance.


At North Coast Dental Excellence we are always here to provide you with the top-quality dental services that you need to maintain excellent oral health. If you feel that you may need periodontal therapy or other dental services, please feel free to contact us via telephone at 760-941-1414 for further assistance. We are always here and are happy to help meet your dental needs.